How I will help you solve your coding problems!

Ashay Parikh
3 min readApr 19, 2020


A confused and frustrated man


Before I dive into how I’ll improve your lives, I feel that it is necessary for me to give you a background on who I am. Currently, I am a regular high school student taking a plethora of classes, including US History, Calculus, English, and Physics. However, my favorite class, which may not be found in many other high school students’ schedules, is Computer Science.

I have had a deep fascination with Computer Science and its many aspects since middle school. I started my “journey” by learning how to create games and apps on websites. I remember that my first major project was creating the 2 player game Chopsticks, which took me at least a few months to finish. Two other projects that I can recall were a Punnett Square Solver and an animated website about the Human Cell, which were both for my 7th grade biology class.

Some code I found for the Punnett Square Project

With the start of high school, I decided to start spending more time coding and developing my technical skills. Although I can’t ramble on all the topics I learned and all projects I created, I can share the ones I am most proud of:

  • Learned how to create AI and ML models for Image Recognition, Natural Language Processing, Reinforcement Learning, and Games
  • Learned out the basics on how to develop & deploy full-stack web applications
  • Figured how to use Unity and deployed a variety of iOS games
  • Created websites & web apps dealing with student education

But, why should you care about my journey? After all, there is a very high chance that many of you reading this article have had similar experiences and achievements. Well, the importance of my journey isn’t about what I have learned over the course of 4–5 years, but how I learned.

How will I help you?

Everything I have learned up to this point is a result of books, videos, school, and above all, online sources. Stack Overflow, Medium, Coursera, YouTube, and many more websites are valuable sources for programmers these days, especially those who are younger and are new. These sources provide the best tutorials, explanations, bug fixes, and guides towards developing whatever you desire.

However, during my journey I have found that there is a list of topics, concepts, and bugs either not found on these sites or not properly explained. This can place a roadblock in someone’s coding journey by preventing them from solving a problem, learning something new, or completing a project.

My goal is address these absent topics by writing about them. My primary focus will be Computer Science, with an emphasis on Artificial Intelligence, Game Development, and Web/App Deployment. In the future, I may expand into different topics based on what isn’t found on the Internet and what my readers suggest.

What now?

What’s my plan? I intend to start posting a few articles a week, as long as my schedule allows it. I plan on creating visual tutorials with provided code, in order to keep your learning experience fun and beneficial. Just to give you an example of what I may write about:

  • Deploying applications on Heroku, AWS, Firebase, and other services
  • Customizing your website with a domain name and Google Analytics
  • Setting up your computer for running Machine Learning models
  • Connecting your applications to a variety of database options
  • All the hidden bits when working with Unity
  • Using Python to solve math problems
  • Fixing bugs in your code
  • And much more!

Thanks for reading this article until the end! I’m really glad to find people who’re as motivated about computer science as I am.

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Ashay Parikh

web, mobile, & game dev || ai/ml || ui/ux || here to share my knowledge! || for more checkout